Rambles Well Written

The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.

Hey It’s been like… *checks calendar* 7 months since I’ve made a post on here. So here’s a small update since then.

Last time I moved to a new city due to changes with my job leading to a lot of stress, which lead to flaring up some health issues that forces me to take a break from creating content, and a soft break for social media so I could get some of my life in order and adjust to these changes.

Technically I’ve been off of this break since March-ish with me putting efforts into some original shorts but I’ve basically have taken things in terms of bigger projects. I’m better. Things aren’t quite how they were before all the changes, but things are stable, and I know have some support if I need it.

With all that being said I wanted to share some thoughts and plans real quick.


In previous posts on this blog, I mentioned some big life changes that I’ve been working through. I’ve had to move, have my job, and work schedule change. While I thought I would be able to adjust quickly, and be up and running now. This unfortunately did not happen.

In light of some personal information about my health, and in recent events (neither of which I want to get into here) I think I need to step back from the internet and focus on myself for some time.


Heeeeyyyyy… long time no see. Ah ha ha… So how are you. #update

Okay last post I said I was going to do one last big push of content before December where I was going to take a break. Yeah a lot has changes since then.

By the end of that same month, my job went from a work at home situation to coming into the office. With being several cities over that means I have to move closer to my work, and move fast. This what I’ve been stressing about and have not been able to work on videos since the beginning of October.

I have found a place but I still need to get through of the paper work and such. Seeing as this will be a big adjustment for me, I won’t be working much on videos until I am settled and likely won’t start uploading until next year but we’ll see.


Hello! It’s been awhile. Thought I’d update you guys on what’s been going on!


THAT’S IT! This is the final! The VERY VERY LAST STRAW! This is my 13th reason why! (/j for the love of god). This is the possibly the start of the my indie web/ Fediverse Villian arc!

Related Video:

In short I’m done with twitter dot com.


Due to… recent events involving Twitter and Reddit ruining their sites I’ve decided to take full advantages of my Write As subscription and make two other blogs!


On my journey with researching Proportional Representation I’ve always leaned towards the ranked methods of Single Transferable Vote, and it’s variants also known as STV+ (STV + MMP “Top up seats” and Rural Urban Proportional). Recently I’ve come across variations of the rules trying to make rules similar or more fair such as having a province wide top up seat that lines up with 1 seat per riding, or having the ranked choice on parties with preferred member to be selected for parliament.

It reminded me of one suggested system that was to combine Alternative Vote (AV)(Single Member ranked choice riding), and STV.

Local Transferable Vote was one of the submissions for the Electoral Reform Commission of 2016. LTV is a variation of STV that has a dual layer of AV/STV voting. Single Member districts would remain for local using instant run off, and using STV as a top up. If a candidate does not get 51%  locally they have a chance of being regionally selected depending on a region’s quota. The number of local seats to region attempts to have a 6:4 ratio of seats per region similar to most MMP compositions. So a region of 10 seats would have 6 local seats and 4 regional seats. The regional quota uses droop which is the remaining percentage of the non-local vote is split among the plus 1 plus 1 vote.



The Following article is an Old Script for Rural Urban Proportional Explained. The structure of which was designed similarly to the CGP Grey Videos with fancy Asterisks for more information. However I feel like this script now needs a rework with the type of visuals I want to go for (Canadian Wildlife for visualization purposes for a nice “Neutral” representation) and might be a little... Wordy for a video.

Not wanting this to go to waste, I’m posting this here with all the citations that I’m using for the article and the main video(s). If and when I get the actual video done I’ll be posting the video on the blog as well relinking to this article. I hope this article is helpful for those looking for information on Rural Urban Proportional (RUP).

The main video will be at the top and additional talking points and context will be below. At the VERY BOTTOM is where the a lot of my research and arguments came from.

Rural Urban Proportional Explained

If you’re watching this video, it’s election time in Canada again, or you’ve seen the CGP Grey videos on the proportional systems of STV, and MMP as possible electoral reforms. Now both of these are these are fine systems but there’s a tendency of either system being more proportional depending on region, and population density. This can be specially true for Canada where people can be vastly spread far and wide even within provinces while also having clusters of pop density. I’m looking at you Ontario. If only there was a best of both worlds solution that took elements from both, and could a good choice for Canada. Oh hey... I know you!


Hello All!

It’s been awhile! I never meant for this blog to accidentally go on hiatus after my last post in relation to my views on Proportional Representation but life sure finds away to make me busy. I rather not get into the why as a lot of its personal and work stuff, but I did want to give an update on the current progress of the “Year of Balance” theme that I gave to myself, and some of the goals that I gave myself.

I’ve had some successes and some failures, so lets unpack that a little bit…

What's going Well


Let’s start with the main objective, the 6 videos by the end of the year is on track more than I thought. Not only do I already have 3 videos (including the channel Trailer) But I have several scripts done for smaller videos, and I’ll likely reach the goal by the end of summer. This is mostly because I’ve decided to make 3 rumbleverse videos on the account that the game shutdown, so that’s been my priority. The videos are as follows:

  • Rumbeverse Highlights
  • Rumbleverse The Things You Never Noticed Type video (icebergesque?)
  • Rumbleverse Overview type video

This is all so I can show some appreciation for a game that I would play with my friend all the time. Fair Warning, I plan to exploit as much footage in shorts as I can while I’m working on these. I’m also thinking of uploading some of the “raw” gameplay as kind of archival effort. Not sure if I want that on the main channel or my old “Brologic Production” Channel. trying to decide on that but I have time to think on that.

For those interested, YouTube user: Computerwhiz has some gameplay footage that is submitted by fans, and I plan to submit some of my solo gameplay as not to clog My Nemes Content channel.

But aside from the rumbleverse appreciation videos I have the following scripts written up

  • Animal crossing wild world
  • RSS
  • Linux Laptop Dual Booting
  • Putting linux on my Brothers old laptop
  • A Video Lossless Cut As I’ve used it for the Pokemon nuzlocke and rumbleverse videos

Once the rumbleverse overview and things you didn’t know is scripted and recorded, Those videos will be my next focused for recording and editing. With any luck I’ll get those before the end of the year as well totally the videos to 10 (Not including shorts)! If I can pull that off that I would be amazing!

While originally I planned to get those smaller videos out and a multi part Pokemon nuzlocke (learning from my time making the capture card saga) first, but I feel like there’s kind of urgency with rumbleverse’s closure. Even though I’ve been very slow with make those videos. You can blame how busy I’ve been for the last two month. Still I feel these videos will be some of my most involved. Stay tuned for those

Other wins and unexpected happy accidents

There’s also been handful of other happy accidents and minor wins that happened so far this year:

Graphics update

I updated the graphic for my youtube’s profile picture and will sever as the logo going forward. Might still make a tweak or two to this but I’m mostly satisfied.

I also made my social media profile picture this iconic thumbnail I like it a lot and thing it’s funny. Might do more with this later down the line.


Shorts every 2 weeks have been working out well for the most part. Still trying to do more original edited shorts in addition to the main video promotion that have been doing since last year. The blessing and curse has been from me using the shorts on mobile to make shorts on the fly via my phone. The latter are be spitting hot takes rather than the skit like shorts I prefer to make but it’s sometimes nice to get some thoughts out of my head.

Though with that being said I am going to make a shorts series based on the mobile editor because I have some GRIPS. Mostly with how the cutting works post recording the segments, but that’s for another post/short.

Generally speaking, The shorts have been doing better than last year so that’s been a good sign so far.

That being said I have one skit like short read to be edited so hopefully I can get it and others out soon. (It’s actually going to be on June 3rd lol)

Future Kenshi Series

You might have seen this coming if you’ve seen the two kenshi short’s I’ve made recently. You see because I recently I got into Rise of TMNT because of a certain Cloud Pup I decided to spin up a game of Kenshi with Hivers being the stand in for turtles. I ended up being so engaged with this save that I decided that I will be making a Kenshi Series in the same vein as the “Grog Saga” By YouTuber Bryien.

It will follow The Hivers incarnations of Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie as well as Master Denters (skeleton joke lol) as they survive in Storm Gap Coast. Limbs will be lost, Weapons will be stole, and I will be salty, but damn if it wasn’t good kenshi content.

This is a something that I will likely start working on the script and stuff first thing after I get rumbleverse videos done. Don’t expect to see anything about it until like fall or something as I still want to get the other videos that I’ve had on the back burner first before taking on this project.

Just know it’s something that I want to do.

Some failings so far and unexpected road bumps

Nothing everything has gone according to plan. There’s some thing I’ve been failing on a little bit.

Not too much balance in the Year of Balance

Yeah I’ve sort of been failing at the balance. I’ve been trying to be better at resting on the days I’ve been off, the weeks I get an extra a day or two have been helpful. The problem has been (at least so far) has been working overtime at work something I did not for see when taking the 10 hour days.

The other thing I’ve been kind of failing at is better use of my time. I’ve fallen victim to the scroll again. This is partially because… holy shit twitter is such a trash fire lately! like such a trash fire have you seen it?

But also, to not completely take the blame off my self, partially because habit are bad to break. Recognizing this I’ve ramped up my RSS feed curation for my friends, creators, and meme account I follow. However I realize I need to fine a way to combat my need for scrolling when I’be bored. I’ll have to look up strategy on how best to tackle that.

Finally mental health has been fine. Hasn’t really improved but not tanked later. That being said I’m acknoleging that I need to take of my self phsyically so I can be mentally healthy as well (I’ll explain more down the page). In addition to that, with the hope of getting a home office set up in July, the compartmentalizing of my home might help in improving my feeling of being stuck in the same place all the time. if only slightly. I might also just need to get out more lol.

RoadBlocks in the game of LIFE!

The Cough that Never went away

So I’ve had this cough for a while. Like.. awhile awhile. Like I’ve had this cough since 2016ish awhile. And then it got worse in 2023 just a little bit before Christmas. It gotten to the point where it’s affecting both my physical and mental health. Like I’m still fiiiiiiine but it would be nice to not wake up coughing, having acid reflex and having to wait to eat food in morning. So I’m going to get that checkout just to see what the hell is going on with this thing.

Time Management has never been my strong suit

Time Management has been one of my weaker points. I can show up and do my job or task of course. It’s getting around to the personal tasks is the problem. Or even just finishing things that I have started. Finishing up this blog I took multiple breaks to write this up.

At some ways I’ve think I’ve gotten slightly better at this, I’ve gotten more videos and shorts done this year than my previous years so far so I think I’m doing something right. I’ve even have had time set aside for relaxation and time playing games with friends! that’s been nice. Still Improvements need to be made. I find I get the distracted easily either with my curiosity or my undisciplined butt.

Above I mentioned my scrolling addiction on twitter. I feel like that might need that might need a post describing my feelings on still being on twitter, but the point stands is I need to be doing more important things than scrolling the for you page (could be said for all social medias that have a but shush for now). I’m still in the process of trying move as much as I can to rss and try using that to follow friends just so I can filter out the noise and so there is an END. In between using Thunderbird, and the “Feed Bro” web extension as the Rss Reader. Feed bro has some nice conveniences for following social media accounts without workarounds, but there’s some stuff I like about thunderbird with as a more traditional rss reader (plus I should switch to that for email). Both are good choices and I will be bringing both up in my video.

I’ve also been using Tumblr, which has been a nice habit replacer since I follow y2k aesthetic and Pokemon stuff on there mostly. Still waiting on fediverse support for that site.

Think my main focus for the latter should be trying to further replace the hellsite (Rss, Tumble, Mastodon) and try to keep its use to the minimum. I enjoy my online friends on there, and I will support them, but I have so many issues with the site and current owner, and fundamentally know twitter is bad for my mental health. So I got to do something, ANYTHING to reduce my scrolling habits.

I should mention that I’ve also been accepting over time at my work. I’m paid for that extra time, so I don’t mind it too much, but it has slightly impacted my personal efforts. This was partly why I was busy for the most part throughout April and may and didn’t really update much (that and fun personal life stuff). Hopefully, not too much of that will happen over the summer, here’s hoping

Things I haven’t gotten around too

The NeoCities Site

The NeoCities site I want to make has taken a backseat as I’ve focused on other things. A fun fusion of needing the time and being intimidated by HTML. I plan to try and poke at it over the summer

I maybe doing some practice over on Tumblr because a Sea slug told me to try Tumblr to get way further from the twitter. Tumblr has a neat theme (HTML) editor that might give me some insight and idea’s. This way I’m still working towards my goal without going head first into without any background. Sort of what I did here with CSS style.


Remember how I said in my last post on this topic I planned to exercise more? … Yeah I have yet to do that consistently yet. I kept putting it off and putting it off (partially because of what I mentioned above about that damn cough) However, It’s something I’ve recently tried picking back up. I’ve gone on the bike, and I’ve tried out the rower and we’ll see where that goes. I have not real goal for Exercising besides maintenance at this point, though getting stronger never hurts of course.

Linux has taken a backseat

With me trying focus on a verity of videos, Linux exploration has taken a bit of a backseat. I wrote the script to the Dualboot video but I haven’t done too much since. Mostly due to my free time being taken up by other fun activities such as gaming, and rumble verse’s shut down took priority. Plus, I’ve been taking on those hours at work as well.

I still want to explore linux and it and open source is an interest of mine, but my motivation has been low lately, and the gameplay videos hav been fun so far.

My main hope is to get the dual boot video done before the end of the year, due to end of window 8.1 support, and I don't want to keep pushing it off. In addition to this, I want to make a “Laptop restoration with linux” and a “Nobara Project/linux’ video as well if I’m lucky. though might be next year at this point depends on how I’m feeling / where I am near the end of the year.

Closing thoughts because this update is way to damn long

So things could be going better, but they could also be going worse. I think I recognize where I need to go from here to improve these aspects. Main take away, I need too scroll less, do ANYTHING ELSE, and actually take care of myself for once! With any luck my other videos should be worked on through out the summer! Rumbleverse and some other tech videos included.

I think that’s fair I’ll write up another one of these near the end of the year to see if I make any improvement. I like to think writing it down first will help in making a commitment.

Next update is going to be the, now canned, RUP Script. I swear! Because I’m on my Proportional Representation kick again.

Until then!

#Yearlytheme #update #YouTube

A Nemes Content Blog 2022.

Politics?! On MY TECHIE BLOG?!

Its more likely than you think!

Not the usualy content I produce, but it's been a long time coming! About a whole year in fact. Let me explain!

For a long time now I've been wanting to make a handful of video centered around the Rural-Urban Proptional (RUP) proposal (sometimes going by it's more accurate name “Flexible District”) Classic CGP Grey Voting Video Style. A style of Proportional Repsentation that takes aspects of other voting systems to make something that might be suitable for Canada. Call it a a homage or a rip off, it's something I've wanted to do for a while.


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