Rambles Well Written

The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.

In a time before social media and user geenrated content sites were deominate in the way they are now, the internet was largely made up of smaller sites and blogs that were self hosted or hosted through a paid service. This means if you wanted to see if the site had an updated or new article, you'd had to phsyically go to that url. It was not centralized, and it can be a bit of pain to keep up with everything.

Little did this small baby Rambler know at the time that there was a standard to pull site updates into an aggregate feed that you could see in your lesure without an annoying notification going off. Enter Web Syndication protocols with the most well know being RSS, with Atom being a notable second.


This is a bit early to announce, but starting the beginning of December, I’m taking a break from Youtube until Febuaray 2023. I will be making a short on the channel of officially announce this, but I wanted to say this in blog as it’s faster to get out.


Alright better start this off right.

Hello all, Nemes here. I behind the Youtube Channel Nemes Content where I make mostly Tech and Video Game related videos and some shorts from time to time. All with make dumb brand of humour that I guess some people like.


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